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    Salford News

    John Brierley is one of the many people who are stepping out to raise much needed funds for St Ann's Hospice as part of their, 100KM in February fundraiser.

    John who will be the first to tell you that he is more at home sat in the pub with a pint or in his Mancave than pounding the pavements for charity, so what inspired him?

    John, said:



    "My wife works at St Ann's and they do a fantastic job there, it's a job I couldn't do but I am in full support of them and I am taking part in the 100Km in February to do my bit and I know they have been struggling since the Covid outbreak.

    I haven't done any training what so ever if I am being honest, I am at present working away from home but each night and morning I am out to hit the 100KM mark, I have all February to do this, but I am determined to do it.

    A lot of my friends have agreed to chuck in the odd few quid and my initial target was £100 but I want to smash that amount, so dig deep!"


    John is a great bloke as many people will testify, who has helped out many people in the past including Salford Media, we have donated some money but we are asking you to get behind John and donate a few bob, basically what you can afford and it's for a great cause helping people. who are affected by life-limiting illnesses and provide support for their loved ones and carers too. Every penny really does make a difference to someone's life, so thank you so much.



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