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    Carl Davison - Editor

    Salford News

    Salford City Council is looking for two green champions to have their home upgraded to becoming completely carbon neutral to show Salford’s residents how they can do the same to help combat climate change.

    Residents can now apply to have the chance to receive up to £50,000 of measures to retrofit their home to a high green standard by Manchester-based firm Red Cooperative. These measures could include installing air source heat pumps, insulation and solar panels.

    The council has secured funding for two homes to receive the works from the Homes As Energy Systems project – which is bringing together several partners to deliver energy efficiency technologies in more than 700 homes across Greater Manchester.


    Councillor Mike McCusker, Lead Member for Planning and Sustainable Development, said:



    “Homes cause more than a third of Salford’s carbon emissions so we must seek to retrofit our homes where possible and inspire others to make the changes needed to help our city tackle climate change.

    “We are looking for two green champions in Salford to receive the benefits of a carbon neutral home that will reduce their energy bills and cut emissions but also help us show others how implementing these measures can be a key tool in our bid to tackle the city’s carbon footprint as we aim to build a greener Salford.”



    Charlie Baker, from Red Cooperative, said:



    “There’s a revolution needed in our housing and it’s about time. Whether your priority is the carbon emissions from it, the cost of running it, your comfort or the winter coughs you get from it.

    “This project will show the way to upgrading our homes so they are not just fit for the future but a critical part of delivering a viable one by making them zero carbon to run.”



    The Homes As Energy Systems project has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Successful applicants will receive up to £25,000 in an ERDF grant with the council providing conditional funding of up to £25,000 on top of it.

    To apply for the scheme, you can complete this expression of interest form https://forms.gle/JLxuqC1YxDndzhiz5 and then the project will be in touch. You can also contact Red Cooperative for more information by emailing sarah@red.coop.

    The council is also working with E.ON to deliver grant funding of up to £10,000 for homeowners through the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme which has now been extended for applications until March 2022.

    Applicants which own their own home, have a combined gross annual household income of less than £30,000 and a low energy performance certificate (EPC) rating can access funding to install measures to help reduce their energy bills. You can check if you are eligible for the scheme here: https://www.gov.uk/find-energy-certificate


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