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    Carl Davison - Editor

    Salford News

    Salford residents can now enjoy a new community orchard following the official opening on Wednesday 10th August by North West housing association, Onward Homes.

    Hidden among the residential roads of Salford, the Orchard was an overgrown piece of derelict land located close to one of the housing association’s sheltered schemes.

    Onward spotted an opportunity to transform the land into a space for the enjoyment of residents and consulted local people on what they would like to see on the land, with clear support for the creation of a new community orchard.

    The aim was to repurpose this area into a diverse and interesting community woodland space that could be used by the local people and organisations for recreation, education, and wellbeing purposes. The creation of the Orchard supports with Salford City Council’s ambitions to improve access to green spaces across the city.


    The project has been delivered by Onward’s Social Investment programme supported by the housing associations Environmental Services Team, and various partner organisations in the area including Sow in the City, Greenfingers, the Naz and Salford City Council.

    The Orchard has twelve fruit trees, a wildlife preserve, bird boxes and a walk-through path, creating a green space for residents to enjoy in the heart of their community.

    The Orchard was officially opened by the Mayor of Salford Paul Dennett and local councillor Maria Brabiner on 10th August at an open day attended by residents and community groups. 


    Matt Saye, Executive Director of Operations at Onward, said:



    “We recognise the value of open spaces in our communities in improving health and wellbeing and providing places for residents to interact.

    Working with our local partners, our aim was to change this derelict piece of land back into a thriving community space that can be enjoyed by residents of all ages. It has been great to see so many people come together for the opening of the Salford Community Orchard, and we look forward to seeing the community use it for years to come.”


    Paul Dennett, Mayor of Salford, said:



    “I am delighted to have joined the community at the opening of the Salford Orchard, which has seen the transformation of this previously unused land into a wonderful new community amenity.

    I hope that the improved access, new seating, and wildlife areas will encourage more of our residents to enjoy the Orchard and open green space here in Salford.”




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