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    Salford News

    I posted an article about the building work that is due to commence on the Crown Theatre, Church Street, Eccles this week, shortly after seeing the scaffolding erected outside the frontage.

    Several readers posted comments voicing their concern about the safety of the building, potential car parking problems, an underground carpark and the alleged £15,000 per annum residents of the apartments will have to pay.

    I called at the site today and left my details asking for a representative of, Integritas Property Group to contact me for a chat about the above, and I am happy to say that within the hour they did.

    David Mason the Development and Construction Director fully answered all of my questions and more, here is what he had to say:



    "As you will see the two brick listed facades will remain (once restored back to their former glory), along with the porch frontage which is also listed, this will all be carried out with the guidance and consent of English Heritage.

    Everything behind these facades which is (as you rightly pointed out) in a very poor condition will be demolished to accommodate the new build 82 one and two bedroomed units.

    The elected construction method is steel frame with concrete floors all clad in facing brickwork to match the existing red engineering brick elements of the existing  red engineering brick elements of the existing.

    The ground level will incorporate an entrance foyer, 1 commercial unit (for sale), plant rooms and ground floor parking only. 

    There is no sub surface parking.

    There are 38 parking spaces incorporating 2 disabled bays and 6 electric vehicle charging points. 

    These are sold for a one-off fee of £15,000.

    Following a meeting on site with Salford Council Highways  they requested we extend the yellow lines to Church Street end of Mather Street to prevent vehicles parking in front of their homes at the request of the residents.

    Prior to the first occupation of the scheme we have to display a permanent heritage interpretation panel on site setting out the history of the former theatre, which we are sure will be a focal point for local children and historians.

    We hope the above gives you more of an insight into the logistics of the scheme, but should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to ask when will be more than happy to oblige"


    So, no underground car parking as thought, the £15,000 parking fee is not an annual payment but a one off payment and extended yellow lines to Church Street which is surely a good thing for residents of Mather Road.

    Finally, I am pleased that Integritas are working with English Heritage to ensure that the building work will be in line with the 1899 original construction and once finished will compliment the local area and I will be delighted to see the former Lyceum restored to it's former glory.


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