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    Carl Davison - Editor

    Salford News

    A bid for £20m levelling up fund cash to help towards plans for the regeneration of Eccles Shopping Centre has been rejected, but council bosses say that it will not affect future plans for their newly acquired site.

    Although a disappointment, it is not a huge setback and public consultation is set to go ahead later this years.

    Salford Council purchased the shopping centre from Columbia Threadneedle Properties for the sum of £4.15m with plans to use it as a focal point to revive the once thriving market town.

    Eccles has seen its fair share of economic decline over the years and is a prime example of the type of project which the levelling up fund is aimed at. Unfortunately, it would seem the government disagrees. 

    Eccles boasts some of the best travel links in Greater Manchester, with Bus, Tram, Train and Taxi's all upon it's doorstep. It is a prime site for redevelopment and if done correctly could rival and even out compete other towns in the region.

    In our opinion the decision to reject the councils funding bid is the wrong one, it is disgraceful that once more, Salford has been left out.

    The city has seen well over a decade of austerity with public services stripped to the bone and it is about time the government rectified this.

    Salford city mayor Paul Dennett said:



    "We are very disappointed that this project, which would rejuvenate a high street in one of the most deprived areas of the country has failed to achieve any Levelling Up Funding.

    "To my mind, this project was the perfect example of a Levelling Up project and I will be intrigued to see which other projects in which other areas of the country did receive funding instead."


    We spoke to Eccles councillors, Sharmina August, Mike McCusker and John Mullen who told us their ideal vision for the shopping centre.



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    I agree, knock down the interior of the shopping center and create some quality affordable housing. Not highrise flats, Eccles has enough. Maybe low-rise private flats could be built.  With landscaping and some decent greenery that would enhance the housing so the area doesn't end up looking like some former communist state housing block, which Salford Planners seem to excel at. Move the existing precinct business onto Church Street having upgraded any properties that require it. 

    Remove the ugly, depressing bus station and upgrade and rebuild it in the area outside College Croft flats, using the small council car park, if necessary.  Remove the black paving bricks from the area by Eccles Cross and any other cheap, nasty looking slippery paving that dominates the area. 

    Create a grassed landscaped area with flowerbeds ie. a small garden space incorporating the Eccles Cross, to the current bus station area.

    Finally round up all the junkies and freeloaders and drop them into the Ship Canal.  Job done! 

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