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    Carl Davison - Editor

    Salford News

    Following an announcement in today’s spring budget, Salford City Council is set to receive a boost to its plans to redevelop Eccles town centre, with £5.4million funding contribution.

    The funding will come from the new Capital Regeneration Projects initiative announced by the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.

    This funding comes after Eccles was turned down for levelling up funding in 2022, despite Salford's townships not receiving national funding from government to date. Eccles narrowly missed out on support last year, but the proposal to reinvigorate the town centre has now been assessed as a high-quality plan and will benefit from the same level of funding that was previously bid for.

    The proposal and creation of a new vision for Eccles, developed jointly between Salford City Council, residents, local businesses and stakeholders, is part of the council’s commitment to improving the town centre. This vision is to make Eccles a thriving town centre once again. The recent purchase of Eccles Shopping Centre was the first step in bringing this vision to life and securing a brighter future for the town centre.

    The long-term plan will now see the council continuing to work with the local community as well as seeking a development partner to help bring this shared vision to life. The goal is to create a vibrant town centre where people can eat, meet and play. There will be a focus on building a place that celebrates its heritage whilst forging a new future for itself. A place where residents can choose to live and work as well as taking advantage of the town’s connectivity.

    Following positive regeneration across other parts of the city the focus of ambition for the city council has now turned to its town centres. Eccles plays an important role in Salford’s future and  needs to experience the same levels of support in order for it to not be left behind.

    This sentiment and focus on town centres has been at the forefront of conversations Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett has been having this week at MIPIM. The opportunities that come with a redevelopment of Eccles town centre have been shared on a global stage throughout the City Mayor’s time at the international property conference.

    Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said:



    “It’s no secret that in recent years Eccles, like many other town centres up and down the county, has faced decline. So, today’s announcement in the Spring Budget is welcome and provides much-needed funding for the city. However, it was also much-needed funding last year and, as a team, we were extremely disappointed that Eccles did not receive essential levelling up funding in 2022.

    "We have always been committed to delivering real, impactful change in Eccles town centre and we have a plan that we are consulting on and will be implementing. This started with our purchase of Eccles Shopping Centre and continues through our engagement with the community, local businesses and stakeholders, whilst also seizing the moment to raise awareness of the future of Eccles town centre through our time at MIPIM.

    "This is long-overdue funding and I’m glad the town centre is now getting the support it badly needs. It is right that the needs of Eccles and its residents and local businesses have been re-evaluated under the new Capital Regeneration Projects initiative. I’d like to thank the team at the council behind our initial proposal for their dedication and hard work and for not giving up on our commitment to get Eccles the support it rightly deserves.”


    The Salford town is one of 16 regeneration projects across England that will be in receipt of funding from an allocated investment of over £200 million. 


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    Mayor Dennett needs to remember that the decline of Eccles was started, and perpetuated, by a Salford City Council that chose to ignore it from the day the M602 bypass opened. Very little by the way of investment has been provided to enable things to change, but hey maybe this is sign that things will change?

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