Homeowners and landlords have two chances to turn their home green with new grants available
The local authority Green Homes grant allows homeowners who earn less than £30,000 and whose home is energy inefficient to apply for grants of up to £10,000.
The scheme is also open to residential landlords to apply for grants of up to £5,000.
The grant can be used for low carbon heating measures such as air source heat pumps as well as different types of insulation.
The local authority scheme is delivered in partnership with E.ON which will source all installers to carry out the work.
The national Green Homes grant scheme is also open to homeowners or residential landlords and offers a voucher to cover two thirds of the cost of installing energy efficient home improvements up to a maximum government contribution of £5,000.
If someone in the household receives certain benefits, they may be eligible for a voucher covering 100% of the cost of the improvements up to a maximum of £10,000. Landlords are not eligible for low income support.
Costs that are covered by the national scheme include labour, materials and VAT. Those applying must find their own installers and meet certain criteria.
If eligible, the national scheme covers energy efficient measures, such as:
• External wall insulation
• Air source heat pumps (low carbon heating)
• Door improvements
• Smart heating controls
• Cavity insulation
• Loft insulation
All improvements under both schemes must be completed by 31 March 2021 and full details are available at www.salford.gov.uk/warmsalford along with information about other available support.
Councillor David Lancaster, lead member for environment and community safety, said:
Quote“This is a great opportunity for people to improve their home comforts, save money on energy bills and help cut Salford’s carbon footprint.”
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