Private landlords are being offered extra help to manage their tenancies through Salford City Council’s social letting agency.
The council launched Salford Property Link last year to match landlords and tenants as part of measures to reduce housing waiting lists.
Over 200 people have found new homes as a result and now the agency is going one step further.
It’s offering landlords a free advice service to tackle any problems they may have, such as rent arrears and disputes with tenants,
The service is also in need of more landlords to meet the huge demand for good quality rented property in Salford.
Councillor Tracy Kelly, lead member for housing and neighbourhoods said:
“Sometimes it’s not easy being a landlord so that’s why we’re offering help. We can often settle disputes early on before they get to the legal stage which benefits everyone.
“We need more affordable homes and rented properties in Salford and initiatives like Salford Property Link help to bridge that gap. There are over 6000 people on the housing waiting list. We want to work with local landlords to find as many Salford residents as possible good quality, private rented homes that they can move into almost immediately. It’s a win-win for landlords and tenants but we still need to build more affordable homes.”
Landlords can contact the service on salfordpropertylink@salford.gov.uk or see www.salford.gov.uk/propertylink for details.
Edited by KARL
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