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    Carl Davison - Editor

    Salford News

    Salford's first ever cycle lane roundabout has been unveiled – and it could be the first of its kind in the country. 

    It's part of the multi-million pound Trafford Road changes  - Salford City Council's biggest ever road improvement scheme --  and has been designed to help cyclists and pedestrians, particularly those with visual impairment, safely navigate a point where two cycle lanes cross.

    The new roundabout sits at the junction of segregated cycle lanes – ie ones separated from motor traffic – which run north-south along Trafford Road and east-west from Broadway and Rowland Street across Trafford Road.

    After extensive consultation with members of the public, cyclists and groups representing people with a wide range of disabilities and visual impairment, the roundabout was created to provide the safest crossing solution.

    Councillor Mike McCusker, lead member for planning and sustainable development, said:



    "This is possibly the first roundabout of its kind in the country, so it is certainly creating some debate and we have had a lot of positive feedback.

    "The roundabout allows pedestrians to cross the junction safely in two short moves so they only have to be aware of one lane of cycle traffic at a time. It provides a quicker crossing for them and is safer than trying to cross a wider junction with traffic from both directions. It has been designed to accommodate people on foot or in wheelchairs or pushing buggies.

    "Cyclists circulate round it like a 'normal' road roundabout so they, too, can get round this junction safely without putting pedestrians in danger."


     The Trafford Road scheme has seen every junction along both sides of the mile-long road upgraded to improve traffic movement for all road users and make crossings safer for pedestrians and cyclists. A mile of segregated cycle track has also been introduced as part of a package of measures to encourage more cycling along with new crossings and signals.


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