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    Salford News

    Today we paid a visit to the Hive Wellbeing Hub in Swinton for a chat with Candice Fawcett the Community Manager for a chat and more importantly hand over some cash for their Foodbank and Veterans Hot Lunches.

    The Hive  which was a derelict hut reopened in January this year after a refurbishment from local builders, Seddons and I was more than impressed with the community services they provide.

    Glenn Kennedy the premier Genealogist kindly donated the full amount he charges for a full family tree research and todays donation of a whopping £200 is solely due to him and only a portion of the cash he has raised.


    Candice told us how the money would be spent with a £100 going to the Veterans Lunch and £100 for their foodbank:



    "Firstly I would like to thank Glenn for this wonderful donation, it is much needed.

    This will help pay for the Veterans Hot Lunch which we provide every other Wednesday for some 10 Veterans, a two course meal, Curry, Shepherds Pie, a traditional Sunday Lunch it varies from week to week and for many of the Vets it can be the only home cooked fresh meal they eat all week, also we are planning to to make carry out meals for them in boxes.

    The other £100 will be spent on food and toiletries for our foodbank, we were getting food from Morrisons in Swinton, but since their takeover their donations have been halved, we make up Breakfast Boxes for local families which consist of cereal,milk, bread, crumpets etc which is vital for families with children on half term break.

    Our foodbank is open each day from 9.30am - 12..30pm but I must stress that we can only give out what we have in stock which varies from day to day"


    Candice has further plans which include free lunches each Tuesday this follows her free Soup and a Roll which ran through January - February which was a tremendous success.


    If you could help Candice with a food donation, pasta, rice, tinned food, toiletries etc please call into the Hive Wellbeing Hub in Victoria Park, Swinton or follow them on Facebook for regular updates on the many services they provide, failing that call in for hot drink and a snack in their cosy, cafe.

    Finally a massive thanks to Glenn Kennedy for his continued support and generous cash donations and it's only right for us to give him a plug for his Genealogy site.

    Contact Glenn on familyancestry044@gmail.com or via his Facebook page.

    The Hive also has its own Facebook page.


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