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    Salford News

    It's not often that I am moved by the behaviour of strangers but today I was left, speechless with gratitude and felt myself blushing by one person's good deed.

    You may have read that Salford Media had auctioned off a portrait of Ian Curtis kindly donated by the ever wonderful, Brian Gorman and purchased for £70 the equally marvellous and mysterious, "The Instigator" to raise money for local foodbanks, this money is earmarked for The Unemployed Resources Center, Eccles who hold a Breakfast Club for people who use their services.

    I spoke to the organiser, Helen who asked me if I would purchase the food and deliver it to her this Monday and she would prepare the slap up Christmas breakfast this coming Thursday.

    I went in Aldi, Eccles this morning and stuffed my trolley with bacon, black pudding, mushrooms, pigs in blankets, tomatoes, hash browns, eggs, beans, potato cake, bread, mince pies and basically anything I could carry.

    At the check out was a lady who was purchasing a large box of American waffles and a few other items, she was struggling to load them onto the conveyor belt, and so I helped her with them, she noticed my large breakfast selection and I told her that it was for a local food bank and their Christmas breakfast, she smiled and moved on, paid for her groceries and left the store.

    I loaded my groceries up and as I went to pay  the cashier said, 


    "The lady in front of you wanted you to have this £10 towards your shopping, as you had said it was for a foodbank"

    What could I say? I looked around for her to thank her but she had long gone, I stood there red faced and virtually speechless..what an incredible act of kindness to do, and to a complete stranger, I had never set eyes on her before.

    I am still in a semi state of shock and random acts of kindness like this help restore your faith in humanity, with this money and some I have left over, I shall purchase some more food and in fact Helen had asked me if there was any left over could I purchase a small side of beef to serve at the Christmas dinner she is preparing and wants to add to the turkey they have, and I will gladly.

    So who ever you are young lady who did this wonderful act of kindness today, your good deed will not go unrewarded and as we say, you will get a good bed in Heaven!

    God bless us one and all. 


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