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    Greater Manchester News

    GMP’s Economic Crime Unit have recovered £1.8 million in just 6 weeks into the new tax year following a record-breaking year for the unit.

    This milestone is made up of cash and listed asset forfeitures as well as bank accounts that have been frozen and forfeited as well as granted confiscation orders which is where any assets the subject owns are used to pay the order. This could be high value items, clothing, cars or from equity in houses. 

    Detective Superintendent Joe Harrop of GMP’s Economic Crime Unit, said:



    “To achieve this sum of money just 6 weeks after the start of the new tax year is a credit to all of the teams involved. Their hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed and undoubtedly helps Greater Manchester become a safer place or all those who live and work here.

    "We hope this result gives a warning to criminals that continue to harm our communities, we will use every power available to bring them to justice and remove the profit from crime.

    “It is an upward climb we intend to continue, and will relentlessly pursue organised criminals and their assets.

    "Money, seized from criminals and distributed to police forces via the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme (ARIS), is being invested into communities across Greater Manchester.

    "Non-profits which benefit a large number of people can apply for a maximum of £20,000 to fund 12 months’ activities.

    "The activities must support GMP’s objectives to fight, prevent and reduce crime; keep people safe; and care for victims."




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