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    Carl Davison - Editor

    Greater Manchester News

    ‘Operation Falcon’ aims to identify those involved in money laundering in a bid to disrupt wider organised crime in Greater Manchester.

    The forces Economic and Cyber Crime section has increased the size of its asset recovery team and brought in a brand new dedicated money laundering unit, who will work together with partner agencies to recover ill gotten gains from organised crime groups and prosecute those involved.

    Just this week, the team were granted a successful forfeiture order at Tameside Magistrates Court for more than £200,000 in cash that was seized as part of Op Falcon. As part of the national Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme, the full amount will be sent to the Home Office with 50% returned to GMP which will then be used for policing projects and to support local charities and community initiatives.

    Detective Chief Inspector Joe Harrop, of GMPs Economic Crime Team, said: 



    "Our Economic and Cyber Crime Section is committed to disrupting organised crime and dismantling networks involved in financial crimes.

    “Op Falcon is our dedicated focus to deal with cash based money laundering which costs the UK economy billions of pounds. It is this illicit cash which often serves as the motivator for organised crime.

    “Our teams involved in Op Falcon will continue to work together to hunt for, recover and keep criminal assets in order for this to be reinvested into our community.

    “We will do everything in our power to ensure Greater Manchester is not a safe haven for illicit funds, whether they be from drug trafficking, fraud, the sale of counterfeit goods or the supply of illegal prescription medication.

    “No matter how hard attempts are made to hide the money through front businesses, we will find it, forfeit it, and reinvest it back into the community of Greater Manchester.”


    Anyone with information about suspicious financial activity can report it to us online through our online crime reporting form, or by calling 101. You can also report via our Live Chat service on our website: www.gmp.police.uk

    Details can also be passed anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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