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    Carl Davison - Editor

    Greater Manchester News

    Greater Manchester Police welcomed over 100 new officers again yesterday (Tuesday 10 January 2023) at the latest attestation at the prestigious and historic Sedgley Park Training Centre.

    The 115 new officers, called H22, which were split into two groups, were praised by Assistant Chief Constable Wasim Chaudhry in a special ceremony.

    Whilst the new officers were under oath to the King, magistrate Joan Cooper, witnessed their attestation as part of a legally binding declaration before they started their new career in policing.

    The two groups, Policing Education Qualification Framework (PEQF) and the Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (ILDP), will all undertake 19 weeks of learning in an educational environment before landing in their districts across Greater Manchester for an additional 10-week training.



    Assistant Chief Constable Wasim Chaudhry said:



    “Our recruitment process has been ambitious; these officers have been selected and identified to have the skills that will ensure we continue to keep our streets safe. I’m sure they will relish and cherish the opportunity they have been awarded and make a big contribution and difference for generations to come.

    “With GMP being the most improved force in the country and the second largest, we have a duty of care to serve our communities to the best of our ability and we continue to have to make sure that is our priority.”


    At the end of the ceremony, ACC Chaudhry answered questions from the newly fledged officers and gave his own personal advice and support, in the hope that it would inspire them further. Like them, he started out in the Greater Manchester districts 28 years ago and has seen a whole host of changes and experiences during that time.

    GMP are now reaching ever closer to the uplift target it set of having 8,000+ new officers serving Greater Manchester this year.

    Would you like to start a career in policing?

    Find out more here: Greater Manchester Police (https://gmp.police.uk)


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