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    Carl Davison - Editor

    Greater Manchester News

    Today (Friday 20 October 2023) David Perry (12/02/1957), of Eyston Drive, Weybridge, Surrey, has pleaded guilty at Westminster Magistrate's Court, following an investigation carried out by Greater Manchester Police as part of Operation Octant in connection with malicious communications sent to MP Angela Rayner.

    Perry is set to be sentenced at Staines Magistrates on Thursday 16 November 2023 after pleading guilty to sending a grossly offensive/indecent/obscene/menacing message.

    On Monday 2 May 2022, Perry sent an abusive email to the Shadow Deputy Prime Minister saying:

    "Do you really think anybody would be interested in an ugly menopausal pig like you?

    "With your sad old m***e, which you could throw a kipper up, typical career politician, useless, no experience, no qualifications."

    Detective Inspector Christopher Dean of GMP's Tameside CID said:

    "Abusive and threatening communication, towards anyone, is unacceptable and not only impacts the life of those they are directed at but also those close to them.

    "The abusive correspondence sent to this woman left her understandably distressed. We launched a full investigation to identify those responsible and I hope today's guilty plea and the subsequent date for sentencing clearly demonstrates that these actions have consequences.

    "What you think may be a quick and harmless email can result in a criminal conviction and we will always do what we can to take robust action against you."

    Anyone who has been a victim or witnessed a hate crime is asked to report it at the earliest opportunity online or by using their LiveChat service at https://gmp.police.uk.

    For victim support and information, visit gmvictims.org.uk. To find out more information and advice about hate crime, visit https://letsendhatecrime.com.


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