It takes a lot these days to get me out of The Towers, (I half jest the cat goes out more than me) especially on a damp. miserable Thursday evening, to the dreadfully named, Northern Quarter, always Shudehill to me, but I digress.
Brian Gorman a man of many talents, artist, author, actor, man about town etc has written and illustrated his new book, Atmosphere described as being "Words and Art about the Manchester Post Punk Music Scene" and I will go along with that description.
The launch was at Disorder Bar, a Joy Division inspired bar/restaurant which was quite apt really, it was good to see, so many old friends, Pam Lee, Tony Davidson, Mick and Vicky Middles, John Burscough, and many more,
Tony Davidson who has written the forward to the book opened the launch and spoke of his days when he was head of TJM Records and set up the TJM rehearsal studios, if you have seen the video for Love Will Tear Us Apart where the door opens to show Joy Division playing....that was his studios...he told of his encounters with so many local bands, The Fall, The Drones, The Smiths and Mick Hucknall about whom the less said the better?
Music journalist, author and all round good chap, Mick Middles, the first journalist to interview Joy Division incidentally and who has contributed heavily to the book spoke of his days writing for Sounds magazine in the 1980s and gave hilarious anecdotes of his trip to America with New Order and other rock n roll tales.
John Burscough that should read, Dr John Burscough told of his days as an obsessive fan of the Manchester music scene earning him the nickname Joe 90 and It dawned on me that many of the gigs he attended i was at, Alberto's, Smirks, The Fall, John Cooper Clarke, The Freshies and was it really that long ago?
Book? what book? you thought I had forgotten about it didn't you?
I looked through it last night and once again this morning and it is a joy to read, written with both attention and love, the illustrations by Brian are a revelation, the one of Ian Curtis holding his microphone and looking into the void is magnificently haunting, also memories of not only the bands but venues are lovingly recalled by fans who were there...I really, really enjoyed it and I doff my oversized cap.
From the more than wonderful book cover designed as a 45 rpm single cover...oh the memories...to the, Then and Now fade out section each page a delight, written and illustrated with love.
So treat yourself or a friend to a copy it's a fine read, lavishly illustrated and a fine addition to any bookshelf.
Dare I say the ideal Christmas present? worth a try surely..
Contact: brianinchester@yahoo.co.uk and he will do the rest
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