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    Carl Davison - Editor


    Pride in Practice is a quality assurance support service that strengthens and develops Primary Care Services relationship with their lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) patients within the local community.

    Pride in Practice is suitable for all Primary Care Services, including GP Practices, Dentists, Pharmacies and Optometrists.

    Endorsed by The Royal College of GP’s, Pride in Practice is a support package that enables you to effectively and confidently meet the needs of your LGBT patients.It supports you in meeting the requirements of your Clinical Commissioning Group, the Care Quality Commission and other bodies you work with.

    In just a few simple steps, Pride in Practice evidences your commitment and compliance with the General Medical Council Good Practice Guidelines and the Equality Act 2010.

    Pride in Practice has been designed to make life easier for clinicians, practice managers and staff. The service works in partnership with you and your team to meet the increasing demands placed on you from policy makers, patients and staff, and to improve patients' experiences of your service.

    Pride in Practice offers on-going, regular support through your dedicated account manager and a suite of accessible resources.

    The Pride in Practice award demonstrates your practice’s commitment and dedication to ensuring a fully inclusive patient-centred service. The award is attained through a short, efficient and focussed self-assessment process which highlights your service’s strengths and any areas where LGBT Foundation can offer you support to develop.

    Pride in Practice provides:

    An accreditation award, including a wall plaque and Pride in Practice logos for letterheads and websites. This enables Practices to promote their equality credentials, and demonstrates their commitment to ensuring a fully inclusive, patient-centred service. Awards are graded as Bronze, Silver or Gold depending on assessment results. Assessments will be carried out with the support of a dedicated Account Manager.

    • Ongoing support from a dedicated Account Manager who can provide consultancy and support on a range of topics based on the needs of the Practice, based on the assessment.
    • Access to training around LGBT inclusion, which provides information on how to provide appropriate services to LGBT people, support around Gender Identity, Trans Status and Sexual Orientation Monitoring, myth busting, and confidence building with staff around terminology and appropriate language.
    • Access to our Pride in Practice compendium, which is aimed at clinicians and service staff, and includes a wealth of information on conditions of high prevalence in LGBT communities, such as sexual health, mental health, cervical screening for lesbian and bisexual women, referral pathways into LGBT Foundation services, and legal rights of LGBT people.
    • Access to posters and a suite of LGBT information resources for display which serves as a visual representation of inclusivity whilst also providing relevant support and information to LGBT patients.
    • LGBT patients’ insight so that clinicians can be proactive about their needs (i.e. access to research, focus group data and case studies sharing best practice), via involvement of Community Leader volunteers who we will support to ensure increased patient and public involvement in the programme.
    • Support reviewing Equality & Diversity policies and inclusivity statements.
    • Practical support, guidance and confidence building for staff members on how to implement gender identity, trans status and sexual orientation monitoring systems.
    • Promotion of participating services within the LGBT community, to reduce any potential fears or perceptions of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia within those services.
    • Support in using Pride in Practice as evidence in CQC assessments. So far, 94% of services we’ve worked with report feeling more confident and 96% report feeling more informed regarding LGBT issues.

    Why has Pride in Practice been developed?

    LGBT people have told us that it is important to them to be open and honest about their sexual orientation, gender identity, trans status and lives with their GPs. Our service users want to feel confident that GPs, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists understand and can respond to their specific needs.

    Pride in Practice is a simple way for you to inform your patients that you understand them and they can trust you.

    We know that:

    1 in 5 lesbian, gay and bisexual patients report that their sexual orientation is a factor in them delaying accessing health services.(Richardson, Jo. 2010)

    1 in 4 lesbian, gay and bisexual people are not out to any health professionals. (NHS Wirral, 2012)

    Lesbian, gay and bisexual patients are twice as likely to report they have no trust or confidence in their GP. (National GP Survey 2012)

    3 in 4 trans people have been called the wrong name or pronoun by a health professional (J. McNeil, 2012)

    Over half of trans people feel they need to pass as non-trans to be accepted by health professionals (J. McNeil, 2012)

    If LGBT people have experienced discrimination at any point, their fear of further discrimination will often prevent them from speaking out. (D.Herda 2013)


    To register interest in Pride in Practice just e-mail us on pip@lgbt.foundation with details of your practice (as set out below) . We'll be in touch with you about what happens next.

    Surgery name:

    Contact name:

    Phone number:

    email address:

    Surgery address inc. postcode:


    If you have any questions about your registration for Pride in Practice, or would just like to enquire about the services and resources available to you please contact your account manager on pip@lgbt.foundation or call 0345 3 30 30 30 and ask for the Pride in Practice Project Manager.

    Edited by KARL


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